Answers are closer than you think

What do you need to feel better right now?

To address a specific health issue?

To manage a challenging transition?

To bring yourself back into balance?

To facilitate your personal development?

To increase your overall well being?

One of the many great things about yoga therapy is that, while it pairs well with Western medicine and talk therapy, it can help you find your answers in your own time, without having to talk about it.

Yoga therapy meets you where you are.

Your practice is custom for you — intentionally designed for your body, breath, and mind. Yoga therapy sees and speaks to the whole person. It recognizes the powerful connections between body, breath, mind, behavior, and emotions, and how they work together. Using the tools of yoga to benefit one of these dimensions will positively affect all of your dimensions.

If you can’t get up and down from the floor, that’s ok — your practice may include poses while standing and seated in a chair, linked with breath, and visualization. Not flexible? That’s ok, too — interestingly, if you are flexible, you tend to need strength to return to balance. If you are stronger, you may need flexibility to return to balance. We’ll celebrate your strength while we incrementally improve your flexibility. That’s one of the many great things about yoga — there are so many ways to accomplish the same thing.

Let’s find out what works for you!

“Anyone who can breathe can do yoga.”
— T. Krishnamacharya

What are my options?

Private sessions


Best for people who are more comfortable working 1:1, and/or want a daily at-home practice that is 10-30 minutes long.

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One-off workshops such as making bracelets or books are hands-on methods of directing our attention.

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Group classes are designed around a specific issue as a series of 6 or 8 classes. May be online or in small groups.

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“Yoga exists in the world because everything is linked.”  -T.K.V. Desikachar